How it all started...

In 2004 Melissa visited Guatemala with a medical team, providing a free medical clinic and Allen did the same in 2009. Melissa had dreamed as a child of working in Guatemala. Allen had previously been on 32 mission trips to Mexico building churches, providing medical clinics and having children's ministry. Guatemala was quite different for both of them and God began to change their hearts.

We want to give a big tribute to our 4 daughters and two son-in-laws that have supported our efforts and have all been a part of the teams. We could not of accomplished what we have without their support and commitment in these endeavors for the Kingdom of God.

Expanding the vision...

God began to expand the team and the vision. Our teams started in the city of Jalapa in 2010 an area of Guatemala called 'The Dry Zone' which experiences more drought than any other weather. People of this area live with malnutrition because of constant crop failures. Rain is a precious commodity in this region. 10 water purification systems have been installed in mountain villages to store and purify the water for people of the area. Along with meeting this need 6 churches, a school and a bridge have been built.

Where we are headed...

After 13 trips to Guatemala, mostly once a year, God directed Allen and Melissa to step out in faith and commit to a full time ministry of taking multiple teams per year in order to expand the ministry to a greater level. Feb. 2020 became the starting point. Our desire is to partner with churches across the US and take as many teams as God will provide to accomplish a greater work on a greater scales.

Come be a part! Bring a team and see what God can do through you!

Be a part of our story...